Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Rares

Ok, I do not want to boast but I want to show my rares :P Sorry if this makes you mad or jelouse... but these are my rares. I worked hard to collect them haha. Also, I'm only using Jdog53201 because of the membership haha! Also, it may take awhile for another post because on my hypersnap I am runnign out of days with my free trial XD 2 days left.... >.<  I need to figure something out.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks =D I'm trying to get more cuz i lost a few :/ but the best way to get rares is trade fairly and save up gems for Rare Monday

  2. Hey x3 I have a way you can take pictures like hyper snap no downloading just by f12 on your keyboard press prnt screen go to paint and it says paste at the left and you select what you want to take a pic of and stretch it if you want!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry it is not snapping the way i want :/ I want just the animal jam screen... sorry :/ any ther ideas?

  3. Use Bandicam ( download it and you can rectangle on screen.
    If you use MacBook command + shift + 3 (if I'm not wrong, I'm a Windows user) then rectangle the one you want to take the screenshot.
